Code of Conduct
Electrification Hub is a collaboration platform which aims to accelerate the electrification of heavy transport and vehicles. Our Code of Conduct is part of our sustainability approach, which is based on Agenda 2030 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The Code of Conduct is based on the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights and describes our commitment to integrity, legal compliance, labour standards and sustainability. The Code of Conduct contains requirements and obligations for everyone who works in, or collaborates with, Electrification Hub to ensure that all operations within the framework of Electrification Hub are conducted in accordance with business ethics and in a sustainable manner. All collaboration partners in Electrification Hub shall undertake to comply with this Code of Conduct and to maintain and comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and other standards. In addition, suppliers and other parties who collaborate with Electrification Hub must also undertake to follow our Code of Conduct.
Labour standards and human rights
We support and respect the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ILO's core conventions.
- To provide healthy and safe working conditions
- Comply with applicable legislation regarding working hours, rest, wages, and benefits.
- Apply principles of equal opportunities, gender equality and fair treatment.
- Not tolerate any form of discrimination or verbal or physical harassment.
- Recognise employees' right to freedom of association and freedom to conduct collective bargaining.
- Not tolerate any form of forced or slave labour or human trafficking.
- Not tolerate child labour and comply with the ILO Convention on Minimum Age for Employment.
- Follow all applicable health and safety laws and regulations.
- Work to ensure that health and safety aspects are considered in operations and development projects.
Business Ethics, Integrity and Legal Compliance
- We conduct operations in a business ethical manner.
- Comply with all applicable competition laws and regulations.
- We communicate openly and responsibly about Electrification Hub's operations.
- Follow all applicable laws and regulations on corruption or bribery.
- Avoid conflicts of interest or situations that enable conflicts of interest between collaboration partners.
- Do not acquire material or intangible property from Electrification Hub or other collaboration partners.
Meeting ethics:
- Meetings should have an established agenda that is sent out well in advance of the meeting and that is followed at the meetings. Minutes shall be kept and sent to all parties no later than ten days after the meeting.
- Do not discuss commercially sensitive information for the company that each participant represents. This includes current or future business plans, development plans and their results, pricing, volumes, discounts, costs, individual customers or suppliers.
- If someone still raises and, despite warnings given, continues to inform about or discuss commercially sensitive information, the meeting must end, and this must be noted in the minutes.
Sustainable resource utilisation and environmental considerations - We work for sustainable development and take responsibility in order that our operations have as little negative impact on the environment as possible.
- Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and international standards for the protection of the environment.
- Work for energy efficiency and reduced environmental and climate impact in the value chain and in development projects.
- Work for the development of circular business models and the sustainable use of resources.
- Ensure that operations contribute to Agenda 2030 and the UN's goals for sustainable development.
Compliance through sustainable value chain
Electrification Hub's collaboration partners and suppliers must comply with the principles of this Code of Conduct and comply with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and ensure that global sustainability objectives are considered in each project.